Wednesday 20 February 2013

Polyvore: Fun with Neon

Fun with Neon

Fun with Neon by minniemouse-i 

This is a really simple and easy way for the average teenage girl to rock the neon trend of S/S '13!

Head to toe neon is a humongous no no but if you opt for a few neon accessories such as these shoes and that stunning bag, you'll get an A+ for style.
Click the link under the photo to get info on all the clothes included.

My Polyvore account is minniemouse-i
(don't ask about my cringe inducing name)


Idle Teen

Living Up To My Name

Definition of idle:
(of a person) Spend time doing nothing; be idle.
adjective.  lazy - indolent - unemployed - vacant - vain - inactive
verb.  laze - loaf - lounge - dawdle

I've... well... to be perfectly honest, I have completely neglected my poor infant blog. Please forgive me darling, I am ever so sorry! 
But I think its time I got back into it because I am always getting inspiration for blog posts but then completely forgetting them and carrying on with life as the Idle Teen. C'est la vie!

I've recently set up a Polyvore account so I'll be including plenty of my creations on this! You can also find me on Twitter @Hai_Its_Sarah so be sure to follow! :)

I need to fix up my shockingly dreadful blog layout and start actually POSTING but I am going to need two little things first: time and motivation!
Until my next post (God only knows when that will be),

Idle Teen 

Saturday 10 November 2012


I am self confessed Instagram Whore. I am addicted to posting photos!
Follow me at i_came_i_saw_i_conquered :)

Here are a few photos taken over the last few weeks:

Irish weather at it's best.
 Seeing double. (Sarahs that is)
 My art still-life for school.
 Halloween dress-up. Can you tell I'm a 'scary clown'? No? Ok.
 My friend and I being vainers at a party - the usual.
 I don't even know what I'm doing in this one.
 I'm obsessed with men's clothing.
 Reminiscing about Summer.
 Roller girl.
 They may be beautiful to photograph but Christ on a bike they terrify me!
 Tipped collar.
 Disney princesses. 
 The usual September magazine haul.

End of Summer party.

Thanks for reading, beautiful.
Until our next encounter,
Idle Teen

Friday 9 November 2012

Yours Truly

Here is a post dedicated to the one, the only... ME.
If you follow my blog you'll get to know me better but here's some tid-bits just for now.

Currently making my way through the torturous education system.
Blogging about life, fashion and everything in between.

For more information on little ol' me, click on my 'Yours Truly' page. G'wan. You know you want to.

Until next time my darlings,
Idle Teen

Fresh Meat

This is the blog of an Idle Teen. 'What is an Idle Teen?' you ask. I am another self-loathing, lethargic, unproductive, over-emotional and narcissistic teenager whittling away my life on the internet. It's nice to meet you.

Here's going nothing...